Načrtujte dvigala prek spleta z NOVIM programom KONE Studio. Preizkusite zdaj

KONE MonoSpace 500 za popolno zamenjavo

Informacije o izdelku


Prilagodljiva rešitev za večstanovanjske in poslovne stavbe. Dvigalo KONE MonoSpace 500 zagotavlja vrhunsko udobje pri vožnji in odlično ekološko učinkovitost, pri čemer lahko izbirate iz široke palete možnosti za notranjost kabine.


  • Opis: Brezstrojnično dvigalo za nove in obstoječe stavbe
  • Hitrost: 1,75 m/s
  • Največja razdalja: 70 m
  • Največja obremenitev: 1150 kg
  • Največje št. oseb: Do 15
  • Največje število dvigal v skupini: 4


  • 52 profesionalno oblikovanih videzov notranjosti kabine, med katerimi lahko izbirate
  • Šest oblikovalskih tem, ki vas bodo navdušile
  • Več kot 100 dodatkov in materialov, ki jih lahko kombinirate, da ustvarite videz in izkušnjo po meri

Orodja in prenosi

KONE Car Designer

With our digital design tool you can create your own unique elevator car interior by combining materials, lighting, and accessories – and then bring your vision to life with 3D modelling.

KONE Elevator Toolbox

Save time in the planning and design phase by specifying your elevator solution online and creating a detailed specification as well as customized CAD drawings BIM models.

KONE MonoSpace® 500

Options and shaft dimensions for KONE MonoSpace 500, an eco-efficient elevator solution for residential or commercial buildings that features a broad range of interior options.

KONE MonoSpace® elevator full replacement

A brand new elevator is an investment in your buildings future. Get all the benefits of a new elevator in an existing shaft

KONE Car interior design themes

The KONE Design Collection is a set of inspiring elevator car interiors created by KONE’s award-winning design team. Browse our design themes and get tips on choosing the right design.

KONE Materials & accessories

Our materials and accessories guide provides handy tips on creating the perfect custom elevator design for your building and details our extensive range of materials and accessories.

KONE Design signalization

Our stylish design signalization options add the finishing touches to your elevator by helping you create a design that reflects the look and feel of your building.

KONE KSS280 signalization

Our functional signalization family for residential buildings combines simple features, good visibility, and easy accessibility with sophisticated design.

KONE MonoSpace® 500 Environmental Product Declaration (low-rise)

KONE Environmental Product Declaration provide information about the environmental performance of The KONE MonoSpace® 500 for low-rise residential buildings throughout its lifecycle.

KONE MonoSpace® 500 Environmental Product Declaration (mid-rise)

KONE Environmental Product Declaration provide information about the environmental performance of The KONE MonoSpace® 500 for mid-rise residential and office buildings throughout its lifecycle.

KONE elevators for residential buildings

Every aspect of the upgraded KONE MonoSpace® is designed to add real value to your building and maximize comfort, safety, and convenience for passengers.


KONE’s eco-efficient People Flow® solutions for LEED Certified buildings help to combat climate change and contribute to the development of next-generation green buildings.


KONE’s eco-efficient People Flow® solutions for BREEAM International NC 2016 certified buildings help to combat climate change and contribute to the development of next-generation green buildings.

Izpostavljene lastnosti dvigala KONE MonoSpace®



  • Odlična ekološka učinkovitost – dvižna tehnologija, rešitve za razsvetljavo in stanje pripravljenosti za energijsko učinkovito delovanje.
  • Vrhunsko udobje pri vožnji – brezhibno in tiho delovanje zaradi najnovejše tehnologije dvigal in preizkusov kakovosti po vsaki namestitvi.
  • Vsestransko oblikovalske rešitve – širok nabor privlačnih materialov in dodatkov za popolno notranjost dvigala.

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KONE Design Collection je vsestranski nabor notranjosti kabin, ki navdušijo. Ustvarila jih je naša oblikovalska ekipa, ki je osvojila številne nagrade. Celovito notranjost lahko izberete med sodobnimi oblikovalskimi temami v kolekciji ali pa ustvarite edinstven videz in izkušnjo s kombiniranjem in dopolnjevanjem materialov in dodatkov iz naše široke ponudbe. Kjer je dostopnost zelo pomembna, zagotavljamo tudi notranjosti, ki so v skladu s standardom EN 81-70.



Pametne in prilagodljive rešitve, ki bi jih morala vključevati vsaka sodobna stavba za izboljšano uporabniško izkušnjo in upravljanje stavbe

  • KONE Access – razširljiv in prilagodljiv sistem za nadzor dostopa
  • KONE Destination – izboljšano udobje za uporabnike in optimiziran pretok
  • KONE Information – učinkoviti komunikacijski kanali za dvigala in nadstropja
  • KONE Monitoring – nadzor vse opreme prek ene lokacije

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